Im Hinterland vom Gardasee, umgeben von grünen Hügeln, üppigen Wäldern, Weinbergen und Olivenhainen, befindet sich das Ca` Mandion.

Im Hinterland vom Gardasee, umgeben von grünen Hügeln, üppigen Wäldern, Weinbergen und Olivenhainen, befindet sich das Ca` Mandion.

Briefing ex art. 13 Government Decree issued under preliminary delegation n. 196/2003 for the personal data processing. As per the Government Decree issued under preliminary delegation n. 196/2003, concerning the defence of people and of other person relative to the personal data processing, we inform you that all the information on your person will be treat in obedience to fairness, lawfulness and transparency and protecting your privacy and your rights.